Black Screen While Using Windowed Mode

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This is a known issue that occurs with certain PCs.

Certain graphics and game settings within MapleStory can cause your game to display only a black screen when trying to log into a specific character. This can occur if the external Chat Box is enabled within the Game Options.

If you are experiencing this issue, please try one of the following resolutions:

For users with a Non Gaming laptop please skip to Option 2

Note: Currently we do not have a workaround for this issue on non-gaming laptops other than turning the chat-box off.

Option 1: Adjust Power Settings

  1. Search for Graphic Settings on your PC

  2. Click on 'Browse' and locate MapleStory.exe.  (Default location: C:\Nexon Launcher\Library\maplestory\appdata)

  3. Click on Options and select ‘Power Saving’.

  4. Relaunch MapleStory.


Option 2: Deactivate External Chat Window

  1. To deactivate external chat window, press ALT+Enter to enter full screen.  By default, the external chat is disabled in full screen mode.

  2. If you want to continue playing using Window Mode, go to Options and uncheck the box for “External chat box for windowed mode.”
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