I'm getting Error 1580/1501 on Steam. What do I do?

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If you received this error, you will need to verify or re-activate your account through our Nexon Website by following these steps if you are using Steam to access the game.

  1. Go to the Nexon Website.
  2. Log in with your Nexon account that you've linked to your Steam account. 
  3. You will now receive a notification to activate the account, you will have to go through this process.
  4. An email will be automatically sent to the email address you registered.
  5. Go to your email and click on the activation link provided.


Once the account has been activated and verified you will be able to play any Nexon game normally through Steam. 


Your Nexon account is unique from your Steam account. Before playing a Nexon game, you were asked to link your Steam account with your Nexon account. If you want to play on another Nexon account on your Steam account, you will need to unlink your Steam from your current Nexon account. 


If you are unable to log in to the correct account on the Nexon website, you will need to submit a ticket for further assistance: How do I unlink my account from Steam?


We will need to assist you in unlinking your current Nexon account from your Steam account, or by changing your email address of the account for you so you can access the account that was linked. You will need to provide us with the account verification questions asked in the above link. Please also provide us your User Profile Steam ID so we can locate your account! How do I find my Steam ID?

Eample Steam ID: 76561198419680533

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