What is a Pet?

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In MapleStory, players have the option of buying Pets (monsters that follow behind you and respond to commands) from the Cash Shop.

There are numerous different types of pets. Pets have levels, which are raised by "Closeness" instead of "Experience." Closeness is gained by feeding the pets and talking to them.


Most pets are only "alive" for 90 days, although sometimes permanent pets are available in the Cash Shop. At the end of this time, pet turns back into a doll. They can be revived by buying a Water of Life from the Cash Shop and completing a quest.

**NOTE: Some pets received through a quest or an event cannot be revived. 

Pets learn different commands at different levels. The highest level a pet can reach is level 30. When a pet is neglected, its hunger slowly goes down, until it reaches 0, at which point it loses closeness and returns to the inventory on its own.

Pet Skills

In Global Maple Story, the skills are purchased from the Cash Shop and are permanently installed on the pet.


Pet Equipment

Pets can wear equipment purchased from the Cash Shop. Pet equipment can be scrolled for Attack, Speed or Jump.


Pet Food

As Pets spend time following their owner, their Fullness slowly goes down. Once it reaches 50, the pet will begin to show signs of weakness. It gains 1 point of closeness when fed. However, over feeding will  cause the closeness to decrease.

Pet food can be purchased for 30 mesos from Doofus (Pet Food Merchant), which can be found in Mu Lung, Ludibrium, Orbis, Leafre, and Henesys.


Closeness can be transferred between pets, by purchasing a special reset scroll from Cloy, the pet master in Henesys park. A pet owner can take the closeness from an old pet that has returned to its doll form and give it to a newly purchased pet. If the new pet already has some closeness, then it will gain only as much as is needed to catch up to the old pet's level.



In MapleStory, it is possible to have up to three pets follow you. In order to gain this ability, one must purchase a Pet Snack from the Cash Shop. Take this treat to Trainer Bartos, found at Henesys Pet Park, and he will ask you to find a hidden note. Complete the Jump Quest here and double click on the basket of kittens at the top to gain the note, then return to Bartos. Once this is completed, the player will gain the skill, Follow the Lead, which enables him or her to have more than one pet out at a time.

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