How do I change my character name?

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Do you want to change the names of characters on your account? Use the Character Name Change Coupon to change your name instantly!

  • Price: 15,000 NX
  • Duration: 7 days when purchased, 24 hours when opened

Important: A character's name may only be changed once per 7 days.


Changing a Character Name

  1. Enter the Cash Shop and purchase a Character Name Change Coupon.


  2. In the Cash Inventory, double-click the coupon to move it to your character's inventory.
  3. When ready, open the coupon by double-clicking it. This provides second coupon that will be used to change the character name.
  4. Travel to Henesys and speak to Mr. Newname.


  5. Select Change Character Name dialogue option.
  6. Review name change details, then click Continue.


  7. Enter the new name for your character.


  8. In the confirmation screen, review the new name. When ready, click OK.
  9. The character will be logged out to complete the process. Log in again with your new name!
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