How to link your MapleStory Account to MapleStory M

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Players with a character level 60 or above in MapleStory (PC) can link their account to MapleStory M. Linking accounts unlocks daily missions that can be completed in either game to earn rewards for the other game!

Linking MapleStory (PC) to MapleStory M

  1. Log in to MapleStory (PC) with a character level 60 or higher.
  2. In the Quest Notifier, navigate to Available Events menu and select [MapleStory M] Mobile MapleStory! for a brief introduction.

  3. After completing the introduction, navigate back to Quest Notifier > Available Events and select [MapleStory M] Proceed with Daily Missions.
  4. In the MapleStory M Link window, click the Issue Link Key button.

  5. This will display your unique MapleStory (PC) link key.
  6. In MapleStory M, navigate to the Options > Account tab.
  7. In the Link Account section, click the button to link your account and input the link key from MapleStory (PC).
    Note: The link key contains numbers and letters. All letters are displayed in lowercase.

Once accounts have been linked, complete daily missions in MapleStory (PC) or MapleStory M to receive rewards!
Additional information about the MapleStory M cross-over event is available on our website.

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