Can I unseal an item that has an Item Guard?

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If you have an item that has been sealed using an Item Guard item in-game, you will be unable to remove this seal manually.

By submitting a ticket, you may request your Item Guard to be removed from the item. The process for Item Guard removal can take some time. However, we assure you that it will be looked into, so please be patient.

In order for us to process this request, you need to provide some information for us to verify that you are the account owner. This is to ensure that the account is secure and items are safe. Please provide as much of the information requested below in your ticket as possible.

Account Verification Questions:

  • Account’s registered email address
  • What type of account are you using to login with?
    • Nexon Account
    • Google
    • Facebook
    • Steam
  • Account ID (if applicable)
  • Full first and last name as it appears on the account (may only be available on older accounts)
  • Registered birthday (MM/YYYY)
  • Which Nexon games do you normally play on this account?

***All personal information given to us will be redacted from the ticket once we verify account ownership. 

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